Sunday, March 8, 2009

Routine Maintenance Review

Despite the snow day on Monday, We were finally able to finish the presentations earlier this week. I really enjoyed all of them, but the one I liked most was the "Benefits of Doing Routine Maintenance." Simply, the presentation hit close to home.

I thought this was a great presentation because it took into account the audience, and the topic is something college students rarely think about, myself included. As a guy, I really should know more about cars and this presentation hopefully will begin my future learning. With gas prices the way they are students are always looking to save money, and routine maintenance is a simple option to accomplish savings. I haven't had my oil changed in forever, and the presentation has really motivated me to go out and get it changed asap. Also, I learned four main benefits to doing routine maintenance. By not ignoring your vehicle it will have a longer life, you'll have a better knowledge of your car (which I need), it is less expensive doing the maintenance yourself and of course it will increase fuel economy!

All and all, I was able to take a lot away from the presentation and plan to continue to learn more about my vehicle and take care of it the way it should be taken care of.

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