Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Future - 10 Years Down the Road

As college upperclassmen were faced with this question every day, where will I be after I graduate? What would I like to do the rest of my life? At times it can be quite scary, yet at the same time possibilities remain endless. I look forward to the future and I really hope that all of my goals are achieved.


Professionally, down the road I would like to be involved in the health and fitness industry and have a job where I have an impact on peoples lives. As the next 10 years go by I would like to have a secure job in health services, promotion, management or health administration. I plan on working for a facility and going back to graduate school to get my MBA with a health management emphasis. As for my personal life, in 10 years I hope to keep in touch with the one's closest to me; friends, family and others. Accordingly, I would like to be married and in the early stages of starting my own family. Therefore, my professional achievements and my personal life will change dramatically throughout the decade.


Finding a job and starting a family is one thing, but where am I going to be at when all of this is happening? In all honesty, It is not a major factor and all depends on what happens professionally and in my personal life. Being from the north, I would really like to try and make my way back up the east coast, hopefully somewhere closer to family in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. All and all, I will pretty much go with the flow and just want a nice home along the east coast.


When it comes to lifestyle, I really do not want to change a whole lot. I would really like to continue achieving my fitness goals and be able to run in the Boston Marathon. I hope I maintain a healthy way of life and my nutrition, sleeping habits and total wellness remain constant. Additionally, I really hope I am not crazy busy and have time to share with my family and friends. In conclusion, change is inevitable, and I am excited to see where my road takes me in the coming years.

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